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This Too Shall Pass...

Hi folks,

I hope everyone is keeping safe & healthy at the moment? It’s difficult to know where to start this ‘Loop’ as we find ourselves in the midst of these uncertain times and adjusting to new realities. Who’d have thought, for example, that Bingo would become the new swimming?!

It has been a real privilege and inspiration to witness how creatively many of you have been spending your time; taking up new challenges, helping others, and even building swimming pools – yes, swimming pools! What I do know is that we’re all stronger than we think we are.

Sport is a great metaphor for life and having been involved in endurance athletics for more years than I care to disclose, I’ve seen that you really do develop an attitude of overcoming whatever is placed in your way and learn to do whatever it takes – so bring it on I say!

I am learning and continuing to understand that individually we can feel vulnerable and isolated at times like this, however as a collective there is comfort and strength. On that note, I would like to thank Jackie Brandon for setting up ‘The Swim Shed in Lockdown’ Whatsapp group, which has encouraged all sorts of banter, insights and above all, kept the community connected. If you’d like to get involved, give me a shout!

With lakes, pools and access to the sea restricted - never thought I’d say that in my lifetime - now is the ideal time to work on the most neglected and important area of training: your core! As you may have noticed last week, Rosie has been busy sharing a daily core programme for us to get stuck into. Often overlooked because we’re all too busy ‘training’, it’s the glue that holds everything together. Check out our Facebook page for Rosie’s know how. Thank you Rosie!

It’s also been interesting time for athletes who have entered events this year, as one by one they are cancelled or postponed. As a coach, it’s been like playing the hokey cokey with training plans. Now is the time to look at a well-balanced plan with a focus on maintenance. This will allow you to keep all your options open and meets the government lockdown requirements. We are in touch with and helping a number of you already, but if anyone needs any guidance - we’re here.

Having something taken away is a very powerful way of getting us to reflect on what is really important. My hope is that we all become a little more aware of what is around us. The environment is getting a well earned rest, which in turn gives us an opportunity to look at some of things we do a little differently. Perhaps a chance to look up at what surrounds us instead of down at the Garmin. Or appreciate how lucky we are to run, bike and swim in some wonderful places and learn to smell the roses along the way – I know someone who would appreciate that! What are you going to do differently going forward?

Can’t wait to see you all on the other side - this too shall pass.

Take care!

Keith, Rosie and Coach Pearl xxx

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