Nothing matters, go with the flow...

Well, it's been just over 7 months since Jane's passing. I know that Instabook and Facegram do not go together with me like peas and carrots, but, it's time to break silence.
Through this LOOP, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all, and let you know that Jane's legacy lives on through The Swim Shed. Many of you know that Jane wouldn't allow me near social media let alone write a blog post (!), however, something tells me she would be proud of me having a go at it. So here we are!
Molly and I have eternal gratitude for the thoughts and messages of encouragement & love that have come flooding in the past months from all over the world. It has been both humbling and uplifting. When life throws a curveball and everything as you knew it changes forever, it has been your kindness and support that wrapped around us, exactly as Jane has given everyone unconditionally over the years, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
On a personal note, when your emotions are running high or indeed low, you have helped me to understand that what we are doing is worthwhile and that the show must go on! As our good friend Claire Spendley said, 'the Shed community will always be there’, and indeed you have been and still are. I will never forget your show of support at Wolverton Pool the Friday after Jane was taken, it will stay with me forever. As will the turn out on that cold, end of February Sunday morning at Stoney Cove. You have helped me see that what we do adds value. Jane would often say to me that we create a feeling at The Swim Shed that is hard to put a finger on, but it helps others believe that anything is possible, and over the past 7 months you have helped me believe exactly that.
I have been warmed to witness how her legacy lives on and feel honoured to have loved & lived with someone who has had such a special and positive impact on so many. Jane has encouraged us to push through our limitations and helped us to believe that we are better than we think we are. In the words of our pal Emily Campbell, ‘the world would be a better place if we could all just be a little more Jane’.
So, whether it's a cold shower or a swim for Jane, with your love her spirit lives on and for that I am so, so grateful.
Best love,

Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming LOOPs:
- Jane's last Loop
- Meet Rosie and Pearl
- Summer swimming antics from you lot!
Keep us in the LOOP by using #theswimshed for all of your swim adventures and watery escapades!