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LOOP: August 2018

Hello August!

He did it. Rob Howlett swam the Wash, a total distance of 21km. The first successful crossing in 42 years and a new Skegness side to Old Hunstanton record! Phenomenal. She did it. I can gleefully confirm that Ruth Khalil successfully completed her channel relay swim on Sunday…raising a whopping £3.5k, so far, for Aspire. They did it. It was also a beautiful day to swim the Thames Marathon 14km…huge hats off to Justine Small, Mark Gabriel, Emily Campbell + Guy Bailey for swimming the distance, eeeek! He did it…and to Will Morris for being out there for a whopping part of the day on Sunday, competing in Ironman Maastricht…you are a 3 x Ironman now Will! She braved it...Sue Stewart - you are also going to get a virtual hug from me - for having the pluck to come to the Cove and getting in for a skins paddle. Your smile said it all, I hope you come back for more! I’m sure to have overlooked someones event this weekend…well done to all of you out there for going beyond your comfort zone!

The Swim Shed. It’s not obvious is it? It’s not obvious what we actually do in or at The Swim Shed. Over the last decade we have had countless enquiries from horsey folk wanting hydrotherapy for their grass munching thoroughbreds. Dog owners requiring rehab for their loveable mutts. Gaggles of new parents disappointed that we do not teach ‘water baby’ classes. And then there are those who drop in looking to purchase fish food (??!!) pool chemicals and supplies!

We have a brilliant website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram presence. Our adventure wagon is logo’d up and we have even started placing a ‘Swim Shed’ pavement frame out on the roadside! So what do we do?

It goes without saying that over the years people associate us with all things swimming…however, what we do at The Swim Shed is a little bit wider than perhaps people think.

We coach pool & open water swimming, speak at triathlon clubs and tri shows around the country, we mentor swim coaches, de-mistify nutrition through The Shed Kitchen and operate weekend workshops throughout the U.K.

Without wishing to sound trite or glib, our passion has always been to unshackle peoples thinking, empowering them to ‘dream the impossible dream’ and do what they didn’t think they could do.

Tucked away on our website, there is a nod to personal triathlon training plans. Something we love to do is prepare and train clients for their endurance event. This mainly covers Ironman & 70.3, distance swimming and ultra-running. We are chuffed to be able to say that we have helped countless people achieve their goals over the years. We help athletes tune in to their potential and give advice on areas such as…how to train; nutrition; rest & recovery and most importantly, the mental approach to endurance sports.

So, if you are trying to figure out which way is up or are an experienced athlete looking to improve - let us see how we can help.

We have so much more to unveil and share with you over the next month or so…keep your eyes peeled!

Ciao for now you brilliant lot.

Jane x

‘People are the best show in the world and you don’t even pay for the ticket’ - Charles Bukowski

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