Ding Dong

So, less than 2 weeks 'til Christmas day...does that sound better than 11 days to go? Or how about just 1 weekend left to do whatever it is you do in preparation for the big day? Whether it's a big old knees up or a quiet day off - there are 18 precious days remaining until we start a fresh sheet!!
If you are still hardcore enough to be open water swimming, like the Stoney Cove crew...Keith, John, Phil, Jo, Jai and Alan (!!) and would be tempted by an anaesthetising dip - then head over to the Outdoor Swimming Society's site where they have the definitive guide to over 80 nationwide festive swims between Christmas and the New Year.
Without doubt it will be THE most fun you have this Christmas in between the friends / family, mince pies, presents and parties! Getting your togs off and exposing your extremities to a chilly swim will have you feeling smug for the rest of December!
The OSS reckon that a whopping 40% of their members are now 'enjoying' the thrill of swimming through the winter.
If you are local to Box End Park, Beds - they have a Boxing Day Nippy Dip with mulled wine for all the finishers (11 am start & £7.50 entry).
My personal top tip for a festive swim is to wear bright colours (cap, budgie smugglers, wig) as it distracts any onlookers' attention away from your shrunken twig & festive berries when emerging from the water!
Just saying.
We had our final drop-in Wolverton swim session of 2015 last Friday. Personally the 10 weeks between October and December flew by for me. We both love our Friday night get together with you all. Hats off to Des Comery for being awarded a voucher for a Swim Check Plus up at The Swim Shed.
Attending ALL ten sessions, Des has improved week on week!
You will find the dates of the 2016 drop-in swim sessions on our website now at theswimshed.com
Make note of the Friday in February that we won't be there!
On that note - keep in the LOOP with dates / times / events and all things related to swimming and The Swim Shed by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
...and of course always at theswimshed.com
There is still time for us to pop some Swim Shed gift vouchers in the post to you or your nearest & dearest - a great swimming start to 2016. Give us a call, drop us an email or quite simply hop online at theswimshed.com and go shopping from your sofa!
Before I go, it's safe to say that The Team at The Swim Shed are bubbling with excitement for the year ahead! Keep one eye on what we are doing & stay close to the fire, as we have heaps of mischief plotted for the next 12 months!!
Keith and I feel so priviledged to know you all and are massively grateful for all your support & loyalty. We have adored sharing in all the fun & adventure that is The Shed community...you constantly inspire us!
Wishing you all a happy, healthy Christmas...loves ya all...oh and remember, a turkey is for Christmas...not for life!
Jane x