Out Came the Sun
October already and we’re on our 5th drop-in swim session at Wolverton tonight! As local lakes close for open water swimming, it’s super to see the ‘Wolverton Regulars’ retreating indoors along with a host of new faces. It’s exciting and inspiring to hear about what you have all committed to event-wise in 2015…a rising tide raises all ships! If you are planning to come along at some point between now and Christmas, get hold of a Tempo Trainer so you can join in some of the drill sets Keith has planned for us.
Congratulations to everyone who took part in Challenge Weymouth on September 14th. Hoards of Sheddies lined up on the sea front that morning for a ‘swim’ like no other! Choppy was an understatement, more like hilly…mountainous in fact!! It was a stand alone endurance event in itself! There were some very ghostly white grimaces and shaky souls staggering out of the surf after 2 laps towards T1! Hats off to the organisers, Just Racing, for keeping everyone safe out at sea. I understand that Ironman Wales was a similar scenario that morning down in Tenby too! Mad lot.
You can’t book the weather, it is what it is…but the sun came out in the end! Everyone taking part in that inaugural event was full of praise for the atmosphere, location, support, volunteers and events team. Get involved in 2015!
Always a big date on the triathlon calendar is the Ironman World Championships out in Kona, Hawaii. You can get some motivation for winter training or inspiration to enter your first swim, bike or run event in 2015 by tuning in and watching the race unfold minute by minute on ironmanlive.com next Saturday 11th October…through the night to Sunday morning! Look out for Sheddie Chris Bellamy who qualified this year and will be out there racing on the 11th!!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we love hearing about what events you’ve got lined up for next year…big or small, organised or otherwise…drop us a line and keep us in the LOOP!
Still warm for October, so get out there and have some fun this weekend…and remember

Happy leaf crunching!
Jane x