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Easter Break

This sunny spell has been enticing many Sheddies into the open water…or maybe it’s just that your event is now in sniffing distance and you are being pushed by the need to acclimatise! Hats off to the lot of you, give me a nudge when it reaches 15 degrees!

Big Shed shout out to all the Sheddies running over the last couple of weekends in the Brighton marathon, the Manchester marathon & London marathon. A lovely little warm up for your legs!

On home turf, we have the Duston triathlon this Easter Sunday. Best of luck to Kevin Tarrier, Katie Leetham, Lisa & Steve Warner – who will earn the right to over indulge on Easter choccies! Have a great race.

Don’t forget, there will be no drop in swim session tonight or next Friday 25th April. But we will be back 8-9 pm on Friday 2nd May through to Friday 20th June.

Short and sweet. Catch up with you all in a couple of weeks. Happy Easter chics & chaps, instead of some motivational wisdom – I shall leave you with a little Easter maths conundrum…If I have 10 Easter eggs and someone asks me for one, how many Easter eggs do I have left?

…that’s right, 10!!! Jane x x

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